Interest and Maps

It’s been a busy holiday season here with a month long trip to Tanzania but I’m back in the shop and hard at work on new projects.

I’ve teamed up with a friend of mine from school on maps and other modern woodworking projects. Laser cutters and CNC routers are a mainstay of production over there and I’m excited to have access. Any files I produce for Mechanical Lumber projects will definitely be included with the plans. We’ll be expanding their site in February to better reflect the range of products available.

Our focus of late has been maps, we’re rapidly expanding our library of maps, here’s an early one:

Berlin Reservoir Medium JPEG

Version 1.00 Released

New update released today, look for Version 1.00 in your inbox right now!

Note: I will be on a trip from 12-15-14 to 1-14-15. I’ll do my best to respond quickly to any questions or comments but it may be a few days. Thanks!

Thank You Hackaday!

The traffic from Hackaday has been great, thank you to their staff! Version 1.0 of the plans will be released before 12/15/14. The main focus is the center star mechanism and a few other clarifications suggested by customers.

Here’s the video that got things started:

If you’d like to stay up to date with Mechanical Lumber projects please subscribe to my YouTube channel and/or like us on Facebook. (Links are not cooperating at the moment, but the buttons at the page bottom are.)

New Website

This is Scott Rumschlag, from the expanding table videos on YouTube. I will be building more projects in the future and needed a dedicated site, this is it!

Projects are fueled by the revenue from plans, so thank you to everyone who has purchased them. will be the home for these projects, holding the actual articles, photos and store.  YouTube will host the videos while Facebook provides updates and discussion. The plans were previously sold on my main contractor site but will now be here. The general model applies, i.e. mechanical projects with a few general ones mixed in.

I have two future projects in mind. The main one: a counterweight powered desk that shifts between sitting and standing. And the ambitious one: a vault door with multi-point locking system operated by cranking a central spoked wheel. Look for new videos on YouTube discussing these ideas.

Videos are in the same place on YouTube: Scott Rumschlag

And the new Facebook page: Mechanical Lumber

Thanks and look for more videos soon!